Coping with Cancer & Caregiving
Helping patients, survivors and family members cope with the ripple effects of cancer
Dealing with a cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship isn't easy. Cancer can have a tremendous ripple effect, profoundly impacting all areas of life -- physical, emotional, social, spiritual -- not to mention the impact it has on family caregivers and loved-ones. It truly affects mind-body-spirit. It isn't an easy road, but you don't have to go it alone.

Working with cancer patients, survivors, and family caregivers has been my passion and my privilege for the last 25 years. I am continually amazed by the resiliency of the human spirit to adapt to, overcome, and grow from adversity. I feel humbled and deeply touched by those who have shared their experiences with me and allowed me to "walk" with them part of the way. Together we find ways to adjust to, cope with, and even find-meaning in the changes that come as a result of one's life having been touched by cancer. Please feel free to explore this website to learn more about me, my services, cancer resources, and local services. If you are interested in making an appointment, please call my office at the number below.

My primary professional focus is providing individual counseling and psychotherapy to individuals whose lives have been touched by cancer, those who have undergone stem cell transplantation, and well as those living with other acute and chronic illnesses.

There is no substitute for being with others who "get it" without having to explain. I greatly enjoy facilitating support groups for patients, survivors, and caregivers, so that they can find, learn from, and support one another.

I enjoy the creative and productive power of working collaboratively with others to improve the quality of life of patients, survivors, and caregivers, whether consulting on projects or through educational endeavors.